Saturday, June 13, 2015

I was a Luminaria Speaker at Lynchburg's Relay for Life 2015

Last night was one of the greatest moments that I have had since my leukemia battle began back in 2011.  My mom did some fundraising for Lynchburg’s 2015 Relay for Life and the event coordinator asked my mom about my cancer story and then they asked us to be the Survivor and Caregiver Luminaria Speakers.  They also told us that they are having a pediatric oncologist from UVA speaking.  As I submitted a brief bio, including the name of my oncologist to the coordinator, she immediately responded saying that Dr. Mike Douvas who is my oncologist is the Medical Luminaria Speaker.  Dr. Douvas is licensed as both a pediatric and adult hematologist and oncologist while primarily treating young adults and older children with leukemia, lymphoma, and bone and nerve and tissue cancers.  Neither Dr. Douvas, my mom and I, nor the Relay for Life people knew the connection when the event was being planned.  This was without a doubt a God thing because there are numerous oncologists from UVA that could have volunteered for this and here we ended up being the three speakers!

It was such an honor to share the stage with my oncologist who has been fighting for me for years and for us to give speeches of hope to at least 1,500+ people in attendance is an amazing testament to God’s glory and power.  Many in attendance are going through cancer right now, are survivors, have lost loved ones, and then not to mention all the caregivers.  Mom and I viewed our speeches as an opportunity to give hope to those who are being affected by cancer and to glorify the Lord.  What made this event so special is not just that we were the key speakers but that after our speeches many people with cancer and survivors came up to Dr. Douvas, my mom, and I to thank us for giving them hope through our speeches!  Even today, we were out and about at Walmart and the checker said, “Hey!  Weren’t you the ones on stage last night?  Your story and speeches were so powerful… thank you.  I’m going to go tell my boss who orchestrated us representing Walmart, that I rang you guys up today!”  We are also receiving comments and thanks on social media. 

What I am wanting to convey here is that neither my mom nor I would ever have asked for cancer to enter our lives, but you know what?  God had to use cancer to make me a better minister while strengthening me spiritually and emotionally and giving me a greater focus and determination to expand the Kingdom.  As a thirty one year old male who has physically suffered more than most, my cancer journey and testimony commands respect from people of all ages, including unbelievers.  Years ago, I vowed to the Lord that if he spared my life that I would not waste this extreme miracle of surviving multiple leukemia (ALL and AML), the bone marrow transplant, and the advice of three doctors telling me to go home and die and sign the hospice paperwork on the way out the door, which of course I refused to sign because the Lord had not told me it was my time to come home.  Therefore, Psalm 145:6 has become one of my life verses and it states, “They (men) shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds (in my life), and I will declare your greatness.”

My 2015 Relay for Life Speech:
Here is a copy of my original speech that was about five minutes long.  Dr. Douvas spoke before me and basically covered my entire medical life story and I could have just tore up my speech as I winged most of it while filling in some of the gaps.  Thankfully, the Lord has gifted me with not being afraid to speak in front of crowds and the Holy Spirit directed my speech.  But the third section, I was able to cover word for word to a roaring applause. 

It is a great honor and blessing to be here tonight!  Yes, I was originally diagnosed in August 2011 with AML Leukemia and Dr. Mike Douvas was and is still my oncologist.  After immediately going into remission, my mom and I relocated to have a fresh start in Boise Idaho and within one year the cancer came back with a fury!  It started attacking my central nervous system and was starting to cause partial paralysis on my left side.  I had to have chemotherapy inserted directly into my brain to stop the onslaught.  Most of us here know how terrible cancer is and that unfortunately the treatments that we currently have that are lifesaving, are sometimes almost as devastating to the body as the cancer itself, and on top of that there is the emotional impact that suffering has on a person.  After I went back into remission, I was being prepped for a bone marrow transplant in Utah, for Idaho does not have any transplant centers.  Mom and I thought that everything was going along quite well as I was receiving preventative chemo treatments to keep the Leukemia from coming back until my scheduled transplant.  Then on Valentine’s Day 2013, we thought that we were going in for one final appointment before the transplant regiment would begin.  The doctor and coordinator came in and said, “We are sorry, but the Leukemia has come back and there is nothing that we can do!”  Basically, they were telling me to come home and die!  But we had a presence within both of us to not give up, I refused to sign the hospice paperwork and left. 

Between Valentine’s Day and April 1 2013, my body was literally dying, I could not feed myself or get out of bed.  I was unable to lay flat because of the extreme pain that I was the going through as the cancer was killing me.  Through some divine interventions on the last day of March, I was made aware of another hospital in the region that did transplants.  On April 1 2013, mom and I decided to try this other hospital that we had just found out about.  So we called 911 and in Utah you can request which hospital you are taken to, of course within reason, and we requested to go to University of Utah.  After I was stabilized with blood and platelets in the ER, an oncologist came down from the Huntsman Cancer Center, which you might actually see a commercial or two on television for they are running a large media campaign right now, and the oncologist said that he is up for a challenge and accepted me into their oncology and transplant department.  They immediately did radiation treatment on me and I went back into remission.  The previous hospital said that no reputable doctor would do radiation on me, and this is the first treatment that I received at Huntsman Cancer Center.  I would end up spending about four continuous months in the hospital and did receive a bone marrow transplant on July 10, 2013.  Again, it seemed like everything was going great and I celebrated my 30th birthday on October 16, 2013 with church friends and family in Utah which was a miracle in itself.  I had a routine bone marrow biopsy scheduled for the next day.  This time it appeared that the transplant had failed for the results of that biopsy showed 77% leukemic infiltration in my blood and Huntsman Cancer Center was not optimistic about my future. 

In faith, my mom and I packed up, contacted Dr. Douvas at UVA, who said that he would try a treatment but no guarantees, and we moved back to VA and stayed with some church friends until we got situated.  Dr. Douvas tried a unique blending of different chemo drugs which worked!  I was officially declared as being in remission and that the transplant was successful in February of last year, 2014.  Since that time, I have had no relapses.  You probably have noticed that I have a cane here and that is due to breaking my ankle, which happened because of a weakening of the bones from all of the chemo and radiation that I have received and I still have some other lingering effects.  But what I am wanting to convey through all of this is that miracles can and do happen.  Sadly, not everyone is healed and I sure wish they were and we may never know this side of eternity why some are healed and others not.  Also, most doctors are skilled and gifted like Dr. Douvas, but they are not God and until God says it is your time, keep fighting, keep pressing on, and don’t give up!

The Prayer that I Delivered to Close the Ceremony and Recommence the Walking:
Almighty God, our creator, sustainer, and healer, whose power has no bounds or limits.  We ask that you bless us and be with all of us here, especially those who have cancer, have had cancer, the loved ones who give such great care, and the friends and families of those who have lost the battle.  May we all live our lives with an attitude of gratitude and not entitlement while utilizing the precious time that we do have on this earth to love, serve, comfort, and encourage others while making a lasting impact of good.  We thank you for events like this that raise awareness and funds for research that turns into applicable treatments that will one day eliminate cancer.  Therefore, we humbly petition you for wisdom and guidance to all the doctors and scientists that are diligently searching for a cure, thanksgiving for all of us who have survived, healing and courage for those who are battling cancer right now, support for the families, friends, and caregivers of those who have cancer, comfort and peace for those who are near the end of their lives, and remembrance for all those who have had their lives cut short because of this terrible disease.

And God in Heaven, we thank you for all of the fundraisers, volunteers, coordinators, the American Cancer Society, those who are walking, and everyone else who has made this event possible.  Encourage us all to know and realize that our steps and actions right now will make a difference and that you will honor our efforts while strengthening our resolve to end the plague of cancer.  We ask all of this in the name of your son, Jesus.  Amen.

Closing Thoughts:
If you have read this far, I commend you.  Wherever you are in your life and walk with the Lord, I urge you to press on in serving Him!  You may serve in secular employment, fulltime ministry, part-time ministry, missionary, student, a homemaker, and so forth.  It does not matter what vocation you have, you can and need to make an impact for the Kingdom within the sphere of influence that the Lord has given you!  For I hope you, like I, desire to one day hear, “Well done good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21).