Thursday, August 11, 2016

Five Years of God's Faithfulness

This was originally an email sent out on August 10, 2016 to Thru the Bible Adult Equip Class (Adult Sunday School) at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg VA. It gives a brief snapshot of my five year journey with leukemia. 

“Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness.” Psalm 145:6

Today, August 10, 2016, marks five years since the beginning of my leukemia journey.  Five years ago today, I was rushed via ambulance to Lynchburg General and my first blood tests showed that I had a hemoglobin of 2.0.  For those who do not have a medical background, hemoglobin is basically your blood oxygen level and a normal adult’s level should be between 13 and 18.  I almost set a record for the lowest hemoglobin in a living conscious human being.

As mom and I were in the hospital, the first people that hurried over were Dr. Tommy Ice and his wife Janice.  They co-founded Thru the Bible Adult Equip Class at Thomas Road Baptist Church with Dr. Dan and Nancy Mitchell, Dr. Ed and Donna Hindson, and Dr. Randall and Beverlee Price.  (So from Thru the Bible’s inception, it has been a special class with world-class leaders/ teachers.)  Janice Ice was familiar with leukemia because her brother had battled it and she started crying when informed what my ailment was.  Both mom and I had no idea what leukemia really was and what lay before us…
Lynchburg General was able to stabilize me by infusing several units of blood and in the middle of the night they transferred me up to University of Virginia Hospital (UVA) for specialized care.  Tommy and Janice had just arrived back in town from a ministry trip, but they drove mom the 70 miles up to UVA out of love, even though they were exhausted and jetlagged.  The initial chemotherapies and treatments caused me to lose some thirty pounds in three weeks, but fortunately I had some weight to spare at the time.  I had intermittent chemo treatments from August through January 2012.  Throughout all of this, Thru the Bible members and leaders were lifting us up in prayer support, cards, and love gifts and the love we felt helped us extremely through this time.  Olive Ackerman who was a member of Thru the Bible for many years, before moving with her family to Georgia in 2014, was and continues to be one of the mightiest prayer warriors mom and I have ever known.  She was available 24/7 for mom to call, and trust me, mom did call her during some of the darkest hours in this journey, regardless of time.  Olive never complained about receiving a dire call from mom and always stopped everything to strongly and boldly petition the Lord on our behalf! 

It was believed that the cancer journey was over in January 2012, so a fresh start was planned as we headed to Nebraska for recovery and ministry but then ended up in Boise, Idaho in the fall.  In September 2012 in Boise, the Leukemia came back with a vengeance and started attacking my central nervous system.  The quick thinking of oncologist Dr. Schulteiss spared me from permanent damage and paralysis.  While undergoing inpatient treatment in Boise, I developed sepsis and was rushed to ICU.  One week after my sepsis episode, mom had a heart attack.  In the Lord’s mercy, her heart attack was at the best place to have one, in the hospital.  Actually, she walked into my room and said that she was not feeling right and asked me to Google on my phone symptoms of a heart attack.  We immediately summoned the nurse and she was wheeled right into the cardiology unit.  During this extreme time, mom’s brother (my uncle) Todd and his wife Debbie did come out to visit us from Rapid City, SD, which was a blessing.  My mom’s mother, Laverne, who was a believer, also died at the age of 90.  Since we were not able to leave the hospital, we could not attend the memorial service. 

Now with Idaho being too small to handle a bone marrow transplant, mom and I had to move down to Salt Lake City Utah, where a dear Christian couple, Mark and Julie Scott took us in.  One hospital in Salt Lake City on Valentine’s Day 2013 told me, “To go home and die for there is nothing else we can do for you because the leukemia is back.”  We were one week out from the transplant and devastated.  We did not sign the hospice paperwork and from Valentine’s Day through April 1, 2013 mom took care of me day and night at Mark and Julie’s home as my health deteriorated to the point that I could not leave the bed or even feed myself.  But this was one of the most special times in our lives as we spent hours in the Word and hymns each and every day.  We learned of another hospital in Salt Lake City that does bone marrow transplants and that in Utah you have the right to request an ambulance to take you to the hospital of your choosing.  On April 1st, with basically no platelets left (platelets prevent internal bleeding) and extreme nosebleeds, emergency services came and transported me to Huntsman Cancer Center at the University of Utah Hospital.
At one time, I had five medicines/ chemo treatments running at the same time!

A young Jewish oncology doctor, Dr. Sam, who was a senior fellow, evaluated me in the ER and decided that they were up for a challenge and admitted me to their cancer ward.  Basically, the first treatment that they did on me was total body irradiation (TBI) and it worked by killing off all the cancer cells.  The previous hospital stated that no reputable doctor would ever do radiation on me…  After a few weeks in the hospital, a severe life threatening bacterial infection developed.  The cure for this deadly infection had only been developed within the previous year.  Talk about God’s timing!  As I did recover from this, much to the doctors’ surprise, they decided to move forward with the bone marrow transplant which took place on July 10, 2013.  There were several tests that I had to pass before qualifying for the transplant and they were very nerve-racking.  After 4 ½ months in the hospital, we left Huntsman and returned back to Mark and Julie’s home.  My 30th birthday, October 16, 2013, was spectacular for Mark and Julie had a home fellowship meeting at their house and I was healthy enough to be involved with it and even started going to Gospel Grace Church on Sundays in a wheelchair.  The home fellowship threw me a wonderful birthday party.  The next day, I had a bone marrow biopsy which showed that I had a 77% leukemic infiltration and that meant the transplant failed.  The outpatient oncology department was no longer interested in saving my life.  Mom and I decided that if I were going home to be with the Lord, we would rather be back in Lynchburg Virginia with our Thru the Bible Family.  We immediately packed up the car and before even informing the Salt Lake City doctors or getting ahold of my initial doctor at UVA, we were on the road back to Lynchburg.  On the road, we were in touch with both sets of doctors, and Dr. Mike Douvas at UVA graciously said he would always try to help treat me.  We drove for 5 days straight because we were on a race against time.
Mike and Tricia Maiuzzo were so generous in taking us in for several months and we are forever grateful to them and their hospitality and love.  Dr. Douvas, who has always gone the extra mile in treatments, stated that he would give another chemo treatment a go, but there were no guarantees.  He really believed that I was going to die, but he created a unique chemo blend and it worked!  Unfortunately, it has damaged the liver some, but in God’s sovereignty He allowed the liver to be injured instead of another organ, for the liver does repair itself to a point, unlike most other organs.  By February 2014, mom and I were back attending Thru the Bible Adult Sunday School Class.  Now they had historically shutdown for the summer because all the teaching leaders traveled, so when it came to that time I asked Dr. Price if it would be okay for the class to continue for I knew that there were several members in the class who would be able to teach and hold down the fort.  He gave the okay and that summer, class continued on with several members teaching, including myself. 

In October 2014, feeling quite healthy we were hiking around Peaks of Otter Lake and I broke my right ankle.  For some unknown reason to us and the doctors the ankle never really healed.  But we now know that the Lord allowed the ankle to not heal properly for there were some renegade cancer cells running lose in my body and they ended up congregating in the broken ankle.  The shock of having cancer again was demoralizing but God is faithful and it appears that the 15 radiation treatments that I have just undergone have been successful.  They have been the most painful treatments I have ever had.  But Paul in Philippians 3:10 declares, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.”  So I consider it an honor to suffer in this way and His resurrecting power over both the spiritual and physical have been and continue to be tremendously displayed.   

Over the past six weeks or so, the prayer support, cards, and love gifts from you in Thru the Bible have been more meaningful and special than you could possibly ever imagine.  Here, mom and I started attending Thru the Bible in 2010 and I had never dreamed that one day I would co-lead/ teach this most wonderful class filled with some of the most Christlike, loving, caring, and compassionate people.  It is a privilege to serve you all, for you all are truly our family and we love each and every one of you!

In Christ,

Brett T. Malott and Patricia Class

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Issue of Concealed Carry for Christians in Response to Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Statements on December 4, 2015

As Christians, our primary citizenship is the Kingdom of Heaven, but as citizens of the United States we also enjoy all the rights and privileges that being an American entails.  As Christians, our faith and beliefs are under constant attack by an unbelieving world, and as Americans, the rise of terrorism and rights to national and personal/ self-defense are of significant concern.  We must not shy away from defending the faith, so why would we hesitate to also defend our own lives and that of our families’?  This last Friday, 12/4/2015, Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. of Liberty University made remarks promoting carrying concealed firearms on campus for self-defense and preventing terrorism/ attacks.  He admitted that his statement was not the best phrased but the intent of what he meant is understood by all those with basic common sense.  Some in the media, political figures, and even some Christians have twisted his intent and others are using this opportunity to promote universal pacifism amongst Christians.

There is a solid article on the Liberty University splash-page written by Professor Dr. Daniel Howell in defense of Jerry Falwell Jr.’s remarks: 

As a ministry leader with ties to Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University, I feel the need to add a few extra remarks to the above linked article.  Please understand that these are my opinions and affirmations based on my Christian convictions, understanding of what it means to be an American citizen, and background/ life experiences.

To begin with it is important to analyze what the Bible says in regards to self-defense and there is no better authority than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Luke 22:35) And He (Jesus) said to them, “When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.”  36) He said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack.  And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.  37) For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’  For what is written about me has its fulfillment.”  38) And they said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords.”  And He said to them, “It is enough.”

Obviously, swords were the primary weapons of lethal defense and warfare in the Ancient Near East, just like firearms and knives (pocket/ hunting/ combat) are today.  Jewish men carried swords that were basically large daggers and sometimes were concealed and other times visible.  Those swords served as protection as well as a tool for cutting and so forth.  There are many theologians who state that the mentioning of swords in Luke is spiritual, not literal, but that argument has difficulty in that all the other items mentioned are literal.  Additionally, Jesus knew that His disciples carried swords and never rebuked them throughout all their time together.  His rebuke of Peter’s use of the sword in cutting off the High Priest’s servant’s ear (Lk. 22:49-51) was in relation to furthering the Kingdom through force.  Jesus never states that self-defense is wrong.  The turning the other cheek argument from Matthew 5:39 in context relates to escalating conflicts and retaliation, not self-defense. 

This leads to the argument of the rights of each and every American.  The Second Amendment gives the right to bear arms to all citizens of America and it is noteworthy that all firearms at the time of the Declaration of Independence, and more importantly The Constitution, were considered military weapons in that many citizens brought their own private firearms with them to battle.  Basically, back then there were only two types of long-arms, smoothbore muskets and rifles.  The rifles were much more accurate but took a whole lot longer to load and the smoothbore muskets were the standard weapon of armies and terribly inaccurate (that is why the armies just lined up across from each other to fight).  Of course, firearm ownership today must be limited in the sense that felons, drug addicts, mentally unstable, dishonorable discharged from the armed forces, and so forth should not own or carry, that is common sense. 

In regards to concealed carry, each state in America has the power to regulate it.  I currently live in Virginia, which is a shall-issue state with some training requirements and a background check before receiving a concealed handgun permit.  Other states like Idaho, Nebraska, and Washington State are also shall-issue and have some more requirements like fingerprinting and proficiency tests.  Then, there are states like New Jersey, where it is nearly impossible for civilians to get a concealed permit.  For those of us who live in states that are shall-issue, we have the right to carry once we satisfy the training requirements (if any), pass the background check, and are obeying the laws of our state and federal law such as not carrying in airports, courthouses, etc.  Therefore, there should be no quarrels with citizens who are qualified and licensed by the laws of their state and federal firearm laws who exercise their right to carry a concealed firearm.  Remember, the key word here is concealed, hence most people never know who is or not carrying a firearm because it is not easily visible!

All this means that if a Christian desires to legally own or carry a firearm, they should not be harassed or looked down upon and on the other side all Christians who do not desire to own or carry firearms should be equally respected.  This is a personal conviction and decision.

Now, but what about all these young college kids having guns on campus, won’t they start shooting their professors and fellow students because they are immature?  First of all, they are not kids, they are at least twenty one years old and have, at least in Virginia, gone through training and their backgrounds have been checked before receiving a concealed handgun permit.  The federal law says that at eighteen a person is an adult and at twenty one they are mature enough to legally consume alcohol.  An eighteen year old can own a long arm (hunting rifle, shotgun, etc.) but not a handgun by federal law until twenty one (there are a few exceptions).  Again, this comes down to being a bestowed right as a United States citizen that each individual person needs to personally decide if they are going to utilize or not. 

In closing, do you know that you do not have the right to drive/ operate a motor vehicle as an American citizen?  It is only a privilege given or taken away, where owning firearms is a right protected by federal law, which can be lost, but our Founding Fathers listed it right after Freedom of Speech, because they realized its extreme importance. 

P.S. I used to work as the assistant store manager at a sporting goods store and was directly in charge of firearm sales while also being directly accountable to the ATF, DOJ, FBI, and local and state governing bodies if there was ever a mistake, if a gun was used in a crime and originally purchased from my store, surprise inspections, and on and on.  Also, permanent residents can legally purchase firearms, but for the arguments of this post, I decided to stay within the confines of citizens’ rights.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I was a Luminaria Speaker at Lynchburg's Relay for Life 2015

Last night was one of the greatest moments that I have had since my leukemia battle began back in 2011.  My mom did some fundraising for Lynchburg’s 2015 Relay for Life and the event coordinator asked my mom about my cancer story and then they asked us to be the Survivor and Caregiver Luminaria Speakers.  They also told us that they are having a pediatric oncologist from UVA speaking.  As I submitted a brief bio, including the name of my oncologist to the coordinator, she immediately responded saying that Dr. Mike Douvas who is my oncologist is the Medical Luminaria Speaker.  Dr. Douvas is licensed as both a pediatric and adult hematologist and oncologist while primarily treating young adults and older children with leukemia, lymphoma, and bone and nerve and tissue cancers.  Neither Dr. Douvas, my mom and I, nor the Relay for Life people knew the connection when the event was being planned.  This was without a doubt a God thing because there are numerous oncologists from UVA that could have volunteered for this and here we ended up being the three speakers!

It was such an honor to share the stage with my oncologist who has been fighting for me for years and for us to give speeches of hope to at least 1,500+ people in attendance is an amazing testament to God’s glory and power.  Many in attendance are going through cancer right now, are survivors, have lost loved ones, and then not to mention all the caregivers.  Mom and I viewed our speeches as an opportunity to give hope to those who are being affected by cancer and to glorify the Lord.  What made this event so special is not just that we were the key speakers but that after our speeches many people with cancer and survivors came up to Dr. Douvas, my mom, and I to thank us for giving them hope through our speeches!  Even today, we were out and about at Walmart and the checker said, “Hey!  Weren’t you the ones on stage last night?  Your story and speeches were so powerful… thank you.  I’m going to go tell my boss who orchestrated us representing Walmart, that I rang you guys up today!”  We are also receiving comments and thanks on social media. 

What I am wanting to convey here is that neither my mom nor I would ever have asked for cancer to enter our lives, but you know what?  God had to use cancer to make me a better minister while strengthening me spiritually and emotionally and giving me a greater focus and determination to expand the Kingdom.  As a thirty one year old male who has physically suffered more than most, my cancer journey and testimony commands respect from people of all ages, including unbelievers.  Years ago, I vowed to the Lord that if he spared my life that I would not waste this extreme miracle of surviving multiple leukemia (ALL and AML), the bone marrow transplant, and the advice of three doctors telling me to go home and die and sign the hospice paperwork on the way out the door, which of course I refused to sign because the Lord had not told me it was my time to come home.  Therefore, Psalm 145:6 has become one of my life verses and it states, “They (men) shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds (in my life), and I will declare your greatness.”

My 2015 Relay for Life Speech:
Here is a copy of my original speech that was about five minutes long.  Dr. Douvas spoke before me and basically covered my entire medical life story and I could have just tore up my speech as I winged most of it while filling in some of the gaps.  Thankfully, the Lord has gifted me with not being afraid to speak in front of crowds and the Holy Spirit directed my speech.  But the third section, I was able to cover word for word to a roaring applause. 

It is a great honor and blessing to be here tonight!  Yes, I was originally diagnosed in August 2011 with AML Leukemia and Dr. Mike Douvas was and is still my oncologist.  After immediately going into remission, my mom and I relocated to have a fresh start in Boise Idaho and within one year the cancer came back with a fury!  It started attacking my central nervous system and was starting to cause partial paralysis on my left side.  I had to have chemotherapy inserted directly into my brain to stop the onslaught.  Most of us here know how terrible cancer is and that unfortunately the treatments that we currently have that are lifesaving, are sometimes almost as devastating to the body as the cancer itself, and on top of that there is the emotional impact that suffering has on a person.  After I went back into remission, I was being prepped for a bone marrow transplant in Utah, for Idaho does not have any transplant centers.  Mom and I thought that everything was going along quite well as I was receiving preventative chemo treatments to keep the Leukemia from coming back until my scheduled transplant.  Then on Valentine’s Day 2013, we thought that we were going in for one final appointment before the transplant regiment would begin.  The doctor and coordinator came in and said, “We are sorry, but the Leukemia has come back and there is nothing that we can do!”  Basically, they were telling me to come home and die!  But we had a presence within both of us to not give up, I refused to sign the hospice paperwork and left. 

Between Valentine’s Day and April 1 2013, my body was literally dying, I could not feed myself or get out of bed.  I was unable to lay flat because of the extreme pain that I was the going through as the cancer was killing me.  Through some divine interventions on the last day of March, I was made aware of another hospital in the region that did transplants.  On April 1 2013, mom and I decided to try this other hospital that we had just found out about.  So we called 911 and in Utah you can request which hospital you are taken to, of course within reason, and we requested to go to University of Utah.  After I was stabilized with blood and platelets in the ER, an oncologist came down from the Huntsman Cancer Center, which you might actually see a commercial or two on television for they are running a large media campaign right now, and the oncologist said that he is up for a challenge and accepted me into their oncology and transplant department.  They immediately did radiation treatment on me and I went back into remission.  The previous hospital said that no reputable doctor would do radiation on me, and this is the first treatment that I received at Huntsman Cancer Center.  I would end up spending about four continuous months in the hospital and did receive a bone marrow transplant on July 10, 2013.  Again, it seemed like everything was going great and I celebrated my 30th birthday on October 16, 2013 with church friends and family in Utah which was a miracle in itself.  I had a routine bone marrow biopsy scheduled for the next day.  This time it appeared that the transplant had failed for the results of that biopsy showed 77% leukemic infiltration in my blood and Huntsman Cancer Center was not optimistic about my future. 

In faith, my mom and I packed up, contacted Dr. Douvas at UVA, who said that he would try a treatment but no guarantees, and we moved back to VA and stayed with some church friends until we got situated.  Dr. Douvas tried a unique blending of different chemo drugs which worked!  I was officially declared as being in remission and that the transplant was successful in February of last year, 2014.  Since that time, I have had no relapses.  You probably have noticed that I have a cane here and that is due to breaking my ankle, which happened because of a weakening of the bones from all of the chemo and radiation that I have received and I still have some other lingering effects.  But what I am wanting to convey through all of this is that miracles can and do happen.  Sadly, not everyone is healed and I sure wish they were and we may never know this side of eternity why some are healed and others not.  Also, most doctors are skilled and gifted like Dr. Douvas, but they are not God and until God says it is your time, keep fighting, keep pressing on, and don’t give up!

The Prayer that I Delivered to Close the Ceremony and Recommence the Walking:
Almighty God, our creator, sustainer, and healer, whose power has no bounds or limits.  We ask that you bless us and be with all of us here, especially those who have cancer, have had cancer, the loved ones who give such great care, and the friends and families of those who have lost the battle.  May we all live our lives with an attitude of gratitude and not entitlement while utilizing the precious time that we do have on this earth to love, serve, comfort, and encourage others while making a lasting impact of good.  We thank you for events like this that raise awareness and funds for research that turns into applicable treatments that will one day eliminate cancer.  Therefore, we humbly petition you for wisdom and guidance to all the doctors and scientists that are diligently searching for a cure, thanksgiving for all of us who have survived, healing and courage for those who are battling cancer right now, support for the families, friends, and caregivers of those who have cancer, comfort and peace for those who are near the end of their lives, and remembrance for all those who have had their lives cut short because of this terrible disease.

And God in Heaven, we thank you for all of the fundraisers, volunteers, coordinators, the American Cancer Society, those who are walking, and everyone else who has made this event possible.  Encourage us all to know and realize that our steps and actions right now will make a difference and that you will honor our efforts while strengthening our resolve to end the plague of cancer.  We ask all of this in the name of your son, Jesus.  Amen.

Closing Thoughts:
If you have read this far, I commend you.  Wherever you are in your life and walk with the Lord, I urge you to press on in serving Him!  You may serve in secular employment, fulltime ministry, part-time ministry, missionary, student, a homemaker, and so forth.  It does not matter what vocation you have, you can and need to make an impact for the Kingdom within the sphere of influence that the Lord has given you!  For I hope you, like I, desire to one day hear, “Well done good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21).

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Four Mindsets that are Critical to be Triumphant during Trials and Persecution

It has been over a year and a half since I have updated my blog and am a little bit rusty.  Through this intense period, the Lord has taken me through three Leukemia relapses, a bone marrow transplant, and living in three different cities with four different hospitals (Boise, ID; Salt Lake City, UT; and now Forest, VA).  The Lord has taught me many lessons and I have learned a lot, especially in regards to suffering. 

Opening Illustration
It has been said that John Wesley was riding along a road one day when it dawned on him that three whole days had passed in which he had suffered no persecution.  Not a brick or an egg had been thrown at him for three days.  Alarmed, he stopped his horse, and exclaimed, “Can it be that I have sinned, and am backslidden?”  Slipping from his horse, Wesley went down on his knees and began interceding with God to show him where, if any, there had been a fault.  A rough fellow, on the other side of the hedge, hearing the prayer, looked across and recognized the preacher. “I’ll fix that Methodist preacher,” he said, picking up a brick and tossing it over at him.  It missed its mark, and fell harmlessly beside John. Whereupon Wesley leaped to his feet joyfully exclaiming, “Thank God, it’s all right.  I still have His presence.”[1]

1 Peter 4:12-19 ESV
12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. 15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler. 16 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 And
“If the righteous is scarcely saved,
what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”
19 Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.

Four mindsets:
1.      Expect it- 1 Peter 4:12
First of all, God allows pain and designed it for the believer’s testing, purging, and cleansing.[2]  If Jesus did not shy away from difficulties, than why should we?  “Now is my soul troubled.  And what shall I say?  ‘Father, save me from this hour’?  But for this purpose I have come to this hour” (John 12:27).  Thus, in a sense suffering is an indication of our identification with Christ and will come to all of us, some more than others.

2.      Rejoice in it- 1 Peter 4:13-14
Second, sharing in the sufferings of Christ results in (a) joy with Christ (also see 1 Peter 1:6-7), (b) fellowship with Him (Phil. 3:10 Sharing in His sufferings we are becoming like Him in death), (c) being glorified with Him (Rom. 8:17 Suffer with Him in order to be glorified with Him), and (d) reigning with Him (2 Tim. 2:12 If we endure, we will also reign with Him).[3]  Therefore, suffering is a norm for us believers and not a surprising exception for a select few.  To suffer as a believer is a call to rejoice as a disciple of Christ and such joy is the prelude to the joy that is to come at the return of Christ.

3.      Evaluate its cause/ Examine yourself- 1 Peter 4:15-18
Third, faithfulness to Christ will produce suffering and persecution.  The reverse also seems to be true: a lack of persecution or trials in a believer’s life may suggest a less-than-faithful lifestyle and testimony.[4]  Now in verse 15, the list refers to breaking the laws of society and suffering the consequences of those actions.  When that happens, the believer is not to say, “I am suffering for Jesus’ sake or for the sake of righteousness.”  You are not.  You are suffering because you broke the law or are meddling in someone else’s business.  If we are suffering because of our own self doings, than we should not expect strength and refreshment from the Holy Spirit, but if it is a refining trial than the Spirit will be with us (Ephesians 3:16-20 and Acts 3:20).   

4.      Entrust it to God- 1 Peter 4:19
Finally, The combination of “faithful” and “Creator” reminds us of God’s love and power, even in the midst of suffering and pain.  God created the world, and He has faithfully ordered it and sustained it since creation.  Because we know that He is faithful, we can count on Him to fulfill His promises to us.  If He can oversee the forces of nature, certainly He can see us through the trials we face.[5]  Amen!

[1] Paul Lee Tan, Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations: Signs of the Times (Garland, TX: Bible Communications, Inc., 1996).
[2] John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), 1 Pe 4:12.
[3] Roger M. Raymer, “1 Peter,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 854.
[4] David Walls and Max Anders, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude, vol. 11, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 76.
[5] Ibid., 77.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Response To Muslims in Evangelical Churches | Christianity Today

            One of my assignments for a pastoral theology course was to analyze Christianity Today’s article on Christian Churches allowing Muslims to worship on their grounds.  Below is my abridged response to this serious issue.  I feel that this issue is something that Christians need to be made aware of.  Do we open our church buildings up to false worship, Muslims, Mormons, and so forth?  Why or why not?  The full Christianity Today article is attached for your reading pleasure. 
            Where is the line between fulfilling the Great Commandment of Love God and Love People (Matt. 22:36-40) and balancing strict commands regarding false religions (2 John 10-11)?  This is the issue that Christianity Today introduces in their article.  They give two examples of churches that decided to open their doors and allow Muslims to worship in their church buildings while mosques (and or Islamic Centers) were being built.[1]  Both of the pastors basically promote that Christians need to acknowledge that Jesus is the only way to the Father, but “we must also manifest the Father’s love (what would Jesus have us do?).”[2]  This question is paramount for pastors and Christians alike.  Therefore, should pastors open their church buildings to allowing Muslims and or other non-Christian religious groups into their buildings for worship?  These churches are technically the Lord’s but the pastors and leadership teams have been entrusted to shepherd a local flock, which includes protection from false teaching.
            Christianity Today’s article does a fair job introducing the issues but falls short in promoting one view or the other.  It closes,
Ultimately, as these (issues) and others confront us, the answers may be a matter of wisdom rather than an obvious application of biblical teaching.  They will also reflect the deployment of broader theological principles such as the sacramental nature (or lack thereof) of space and place.[3]

It would have been preferable for the author of the article to make a judgment call and defend it biblically.  Therefore, this response paper is going to do two things: biblically promote why it is wrong to open a church to false worship and give a personal application section. 
Related Issue
            The related question that arises and is also introduced in the article is the issue if Christians do not open their church buildings, how far does this boycott go?  Do individual Christians who are plumbers, architects, and so forth refuse to assist or service people of other religions?  “Does the Golden Rule apply to congregations as it does to people?”[4]  While this issue is peripheral, a brief answer would be that individual Christians should do good deeds for these people and show them the love of Christ to further the Kingdom (see Mark 16:15 and 1 Cor. 9:22).  This will be addressed more in the Application section.
Issue One: What Would Jesus Do?
            In the 1990s, it was popular to use the slogan, “What would Jesus do?”  Unfortunately, it is not the best slogan or question because Jesus is the Son of God, the second person in the Trinity.  When a person came to Jesus, or He to them, with a request for healing, He healed them (see Luke 7:1-10 for one example of many).  Regardless of view on charismatic gifts, Jesus was endowed with more power from the Holy Spirit than people ever will be and thus He was able to accomplish things that only the Messiah can.  One of the pastors interviewed for the article claims, “a matter of his United Methodist congregation modeling the love of Jesus to strangers, just as Jesus had welcomed them.”[5]  Did Jesus really welcome them?  In the Gospel of John, there are two statements of Jesus telling people “go and sin no more” (John 5:14; 8:11).  The theology behind those statements is not that they became perfect but that they would live a changed life and sin less as they grew in the Lord.  So, while Jesus did welcome all people, He also challenged them to live a changed life.
            Along with this is the issue of how would Jesus handle the other world religions.  During Jesus’ First Coming, His primary focus was Israel (Matt. 15:24, John 10:16; 11:52).  With His primary focus being Israel, this means that His main religious interactions where with the Jewish religious establishment.  Matthew 23:1-39 contains seven woes and judgments against the Jewish religious leaders.  Below are a couple verses that contain some of the more harsh language by Jesus.
But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces.  For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.  Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.
(Matt. 23:13-15 ESV)
This demonstrates that Jesus took people’s souls very seriously and gives strong judgment against those who do not preach the Gospel.  Sadly, one pastor in the article says, “It is (opening the church door to Muslims), I think, the fullest possible expression of what we believe about Jesus.”[6]  It might be time for him to rethink what the Bible says about Jesus.
Issue Two: Good Works Versus Leading Astray
            “Does facilitation of false worship violate the love command?”[7]  What an interesting question, but it is not best one.  A better question would be how can I fulfill the love command without enabling people to continue on their journey to eternal separation from the Lord?  If churches facilitate false worship, they are either directly or indirectly promoting to the general population that they do not believe Jesus is the only way.  What open doors to false worship show skeptics and the world is that all or most roads lead to some kind of heaven or positive eternal life.  Jesus declares in regards to good works, “… let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16 ESV).  This is one of many statements found throughout the New Testament that address good works.  What is evident from this statement by Jesus is the purpose of good works.  They are to give glory to the Father and the context of the passage is about being a light and salt to the world.  It is not possible to be a light and salt to the world by enabling false worship. 
            I must confess that I had presuppositions against allowing non-Christians to use church buildings for worship.  This article has helped me develop a biblical framework to argue against the use of consecrated church buildings for false worship.  The article does bring up the extreme other side of the arguments about Qur’an burning and protesting the building of Mosques which is wrong in all circumstances.[8]  In no way are Christians supposed to make a show of burning books of other religions or protesting their civil freedoms (building their own religious institutions) which are protected by United States law.  Also, individual Christians that are in positions to help out people that follow other world religions, such as plumbers, have wonderful opportunities to witness and be a light to those people as they assist them or service something for them.  Therefore, pastors should not tell their congregations to boycott helping those people on an individual basis but should rejoice at the opportunity.  But in no way am I or leadership at any American church obligated to open our buildings up to false worship. 
            In closing, it is wrong for pastors and church leadership to open their buildings for false worship, regardless if it Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, or anyone else like that.  It is too bad that the author of the article did not interview anyone who had a solid biblical argument against opening up church buildings to false worship.  By interviewing those who promote allowing false worship, the author is either directly or indirectly promoting the practice.  As displayed throughout this paper, the biblical texts do not want us to enable false worship (reference 2 John 10-11 and Matthew 23).  Actually, Christians are called to draw people out of the world and into a relationship with Jesus Christ (Rom. 12:1-2, 1 Co. 5:9-13).  Finally, this is not meaning that Christians are to become hermits or live in communes but are to strive to live a holy life by the empowering of the Holy Spirit (John 15:26; 16:13). 

     [1] Jason B. Hood, “Muslims in Evangelical Churches” in Christianity Today (Published January 12, 2011). Accessed 9/28/12.
     [2] Ibid.
     [3] Ibid.
     [4] Ibid.
     [5] Ibid.
     [6] Ibid.
     [7] Ibid.
     [8] Ibid.

Muslims in Evangelical Churches | Christianity Today

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What is the Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat)?

Scriptural Passages:
2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

Romans 14:10c
For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God;

1 Corinthians 3
11 For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw—13 each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. 14 If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

Salvation is through grace by faith in Jesus Christ and not based upon works, but yet we are called to do good works once we are saved. (Ephesians 2:8-10)  There are two main judgments seats or tribunals in Scripture; one is the Great White Throne Judgment for those who do not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Revelation 20) and the Bema Seat for followers of Jesus Christ.  The focus of this post is on the Bema Seat. 

What is the Background of the Bema Judgment Seat?
The major cities of the biblical regions during the Roman Era had raised judgment platforms and seats, Bema Seats.  Paul’s original audiences would have been very familiar with Bema Seats.  The main two functions of these seats were for official government business and crowning victorious Olympians.  Additionally, the context of the three above passages demonstrates that the Bema Seat Judgment of Christ is for believers in contrast to the Great White Throne Judgment. 

What is the Purpose of Christians being Judged?
“Apparently, we (believers) will be judged/ rewarded for our motives, availability, and use of spiritual gifts.  Sin and sins have been completely dealt with in Christ’s substitutionary death, but discipleship is an issue!”[1] (Romans 8:1)  All Christians are give spiritual gifts on top of natural abilities, sometimes the spiritual gifts are enhancements of natural abilities but the purpose of the gifts are to bring glory to God by furthering the Kingdom. (1 Peter 4:10; Romans 12:4-6a) Therefore, there will be a judgment on how we use our gifts, as in how we live our daily lives on this Earth.

What is the outcome of the Judgment Seat? (See 1 Corinthians 3 above)
Works with the wrong motives will be revealed and burned up.
On the other hand, good works will receive a reward.

Five unique crowns for good works:
1.      Incorruptible Crown (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) - Those believers who live a disciplined life, purging of physical inducements and pleasures of this world will receive this crown.
2.      Crown of Life (Revelation 2:10) - This crown is also known as the Martyr’s Crown for those who have suffered for the faith, especially unto death.
3.      Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:2-4) - Also known as the Shepherd’s Crown this reward is for faithful ministers (all ministers not just fulltime pastoral staff at a local church) of the Word of God.
4.      Crown of Righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8) - Although similar to the Incorruptible Crown, this crown is different in that this one if for believers who live their live in the hope of the imminent return of Jesus Christ and therefore live a holy and righteous life for His glory. Somehow the doctrine of the imminent return of Christ has a purifying effect upon believers, see Titus 2:12-14 and 1 John 3:2-3.
5.      Crown of Rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20) - This crown is reserved for those who bring people to the Lord, both publically like in evangelistic services and privately with individual Christians ministering to the Lost and leading them to Christ. 

What are we to do?
These truths should dramatically change the way we live, for our actions will be evaluated by our Master.[2]  So, the point of all this is that as we grow in our walk with the Lord, discipleship, there will be changes in our attitudes and behaviors that will lead to more and more good works for His glory.  2 Corinthians 13:5 states that we are to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith, because if we are, than we will live as a new creation or creatures from 2 Corinthians 5:17.

May the Lord Bless and Keep You!

[1] Robert James Utley, vol. Volume 6, Paul’s Letters to a Troubled Church: I and II Corinthians, Study Guide Commentary Series (Marshall, TX: Bible Lessons International, 2002), 238.
[2] Earl D. Radmacher, Ronald Barclay Allen and H. Wayne House, Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary (Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1999), 2 Co 5:9–10.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Severity of Pastoral Teaching Ministry?

James 3:1
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

As Christians, we are all called to test if we are in the faith (2 Co. 13:5) but for those who feel called into pastoral ministry, especially a teaching role, really need to test and seek the Lord.  The concept of degrees of judgment is found throughout the New Testament (in addition to the passages below see Matt. 25:29, Mark 4:24-25, and Luke 12:48) and this should cause all believers to want to examine their lives. 

In having the privilege of teaching a couple times in so many weeks and in getting ahead for my two pastoral ministry classes this Fall, I am relooking at my call to ministry.  My call is being strengthened and confirmed by all the events of the last year but I still wanted to look at some of the more serious Bible verses regarding pastoral teaching ministry. 

Hebrews 13:7
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.

Hebrews 13:17
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

The three main roles of pastoral ministry from Hebrews 13:7 are rule (lead), speak the Word of God, and establish the pattern of faith for people to follow. (cf. Acts 20:28, 1 Ti. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9)  None of these three roles can be properly accomplished apart from the empowering of the Holy Spirit and an anointing on a person’s life.  So many times, we in ministry wonder what people will think about us if we boldly proclaim the whole counsel of God.  The draw for popularity makes us want to ignore the challenging passages when teaching and preaching and go straight for the feel good passages.  How many times do you hear messages on Gal. 5:16-21, 1 Co. 6:9-11, 1 John 3:9-11, and so forth that are true to the text?  Therefore, if we do not want to teach these passages, than how can we model our lives and properly lead?  This is not a charge for legalism but a rebuttal to the rampant antinomianism that is plaguing American Christianity.  My chief solution to the problem is discipleship, which will be covered in detail in a future blog.

Hebrews 13:17 has many nuggets of truth in it.  First, submitting to leaders assumes that our Christian leaders are worth following, as in they are Christ-like teachers not those found in Hebrews 13:9.  Second, keeping watch over your souls does not downplay each individual believer’s responsibility in regards to their own salvation but states that the leaders must remain diligent and alert that those under them are entering into an authentic relationship with Jesus. (cf. Eph. 6:18)  We have already covered giving an account, but to restate leaders are responsible for those who are entrusted to their care.  Lastly, it is beneficial for leaders to serve with a joyous demeanor and attitude because most people do not like their leaders to be negative and bitter.

What does all this mean?
·         Those who want to be in pastoral ministry must make sure that they are doing it for the right reasons- such as honor and glory to God above all else.
·         Once in a leadership/ teaching position, we must stay true to the Word of God in its entirety because of a stricter judgment, which is both scary and encouraging.
·         In a personal way- I cannot imagine turning my back on the Lord (Luke 9:62) in that He healed me from Leukemia and has sustained me through numerous other trials and training to do nothing or minimal, when there are so many open doors around, especially in that I am sure of my call to serve Him and it has been confirmed by so many solid Christians.

May the Lord Bless and Keep You!